For importation of animals the prior approval of the Department of Animal Production & Health has to be obtained. For that purpose they have to submit an application form with a copy of International Veterinary Certificate as minimum of 2 (two) weeks prior to intend date of import to the following authority:

The Director General
Department of Animal Production & Health
P.O.Box 13
Peradeniya 20400
Sri Lanka
Tel.: +94 81 2388195/8462/8463
Fax: +94 81 2388619/9342

Requirements for importation of pets into Sri Lanka

  1. Upon arrival of animals the importer should forward the originals of the International Veterinary Certificates fulfilling requirements started in the p.1, to the Animal Quarantine Officer, Katunayake Airport
  2. Imported animals will be subjected to quarantine inspection at the Airport. If necessary samples will be taken for investigation.
  3. Imported animals will be subjected to a post-export quarantine period of thirty days (30) in the “Owners premises”. For this purpose, the importer should sign the Quarantine Surveillance Agreement with the Animal Quarantine Officer, Karunayake Airport at the time of importation. The exact location address and telephone number of the premises where imported animal intended to be kept, should be started by the importer in the agreement.
  4. The importer should have an International Veterinary Certificate issued by the Government Veterinary Authority in the country of origin of pets attesting that:
  • Animal has been kept in the country of origin since birth or for the six (06) months period immediately prior to export to Sri Lanka
  • Animal was found to be clinically healthy without any deformity at the time of dispatch
  • The country of origin of the animal is either free from rabies. If not, the origin of the animal is an area free from quarantine restrictions for rabies and not within a radius of 25 km from the nearest known case of rabies during the period of minimum six (06) months immediately prior to embarkation
  • The country of origin of the animal is free from heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) infestation. If not, the animals were treated with microfilaricide twice, at an interval of two (02) weeks, and the second treatment has been done within four (04) weeks immediately prior to embarkation
  • The animal was not in contact with any animals showing any clinical sign of any infection or contagious disease including Aujeszky’s disease, Filariasis, Leptospirosis, Rabies, Canine distemper, Infectious hepatitis, Canine parvo virus infection, and Dermatomicosis for a period of minimum three (03) months immediately prior to embarkation.

For more information, you may visit web site