The Embassy will be closed to the public in observance of the following
Sri Lanka and Poland holidays during 2025:

01stJanuary (Wednesday) - New Year’s Day
06thJanuary (Monday) - Epiphany
04thFebruary (Tuesday) - Independence Day of Sri Lanka
13th March (Thursday) - Medin Full Moon Poya Day
31st March (Monday) - Id-Ul-Fitr (Ramazan Festival Day)
14thApril (Monday)- Sinhala & Tamil New Year
21stApril (Monday) - Easter Sunday
01stMay (Thursday) - Labour Day
12th May (Monday) - Wesak Full Moon Poya Day
10thJune (Tuesday) - Poson Full Moon Poya Day
19thJune (Thursday)- Corpus Christi
10thJuly (Thursday)- Esala Full Moon Poya Day
15th August (Thursday)- Assumption Day
05thSeptember (Friday)- Milad-Un-Nabi (Holy Prophet’s Birthday)
20thOctober (Monday)- Deepavali Festival Day
11stNovember (Tuesday)- Independence Day of Poland
11thNovember (Monday)- Christmas Day
26thDecember (Thursday)- 2nd Day of Christmas